
I'm Tariqul

Web Developer

Font End Developer / React Expert / Freelancer


About me

I am Tariqul, I am a fullStack web developer. I have professional experience working with HTML5, CSS3 Bootstrap 4, ES6 Javascript/Jquery,php,c# . I also have familiarity working with front-end framework Rect and laravel


The main area of my expertise is front end development (client side of the web).
HTML, CSS, JS (ES5,ES6), building small and medium web apps with React, custom features, animations, and coding interactive layouts.

HTML5 CSS3 95%

Javascript 70%

Bootstrap 90%

React & Redux 75%



Recent Work

Contact me

I am interested in freelance opportunities if you have any request or question, don’t hesitate to contact me using below form either.

  • Email

    tariqulislambd01@gmail.com (Recommended)

  • Skype

    tariqulislambd01 (Always Available)

  • Phone

    +8801521214410(Bangladesh) / +8801913661369 (Bangladesh)

  • Social

    Facebook - tariqulislamtoriq (Slow response)

  • Address

    Tongi, Gazipur City, Dhaka, Bangladesh - 1712